0x00 暗网









  1. 真·心理变态狂或犯罪者:这类人对于暗网来说应该是刚需,他们需要一套匿名的网络来实施他们的犯罪计划,例如毒品贩卖
  2. 持不同政见者或恐怖分子:为了避开政府或警察的搜查,他们自然需要一套匿名的网络来发表他们的政见或者恐怖计划
  3. 出于猎奇心态的人:就比如说第一次上暗网的我,总是好奇一个新的世界,而且想去探索和发现
  4. 出于炫耀心态的人:上暗网对于计算机专业的来说可能不是什么难事,但是对于电脑小白或非计算机专业人士可能就是什么深不可测的高深技术,这些人为了炫耀自己有多牛逼,为了发朋友圈,“你们看我能上暗网,你不能上”,“暗网里的XX真YY”

第1, 2类人是最常访问暗网的,也是内容的提供者,因为他们可能需要用这个玩意挣钱获利等等

第3, 4类人大部分是受过一定教育的,而且我敢说绝大多数都是在校大学生,因为只有在校大学生有这些“闲工夫”去探索这类世界


问题Why do Chinese seldom criticize government on Quora but do a lot on Chinese social media? I am a native Chinese. I often browse WeChat and Weibo, and I saw a lot of complaints or criticisms toward the government. Are there any psychological reasons?下Jiacheng Jian的回答









This picture perfectly answers this question. There are three kinds of people in China. The first kind is the left guy who never thinks and questions about the society, and all he is doing is dealing with job issues and life.

The second type is the middle guy. People of this kind begin to realize that there are indeed a lot of problems within Chinese society, but they have no idea why we have those problems and how to solve them. As a result, they begin to blame the system and attribute all these problems to undemocratic government. However, they overlook that democracy is not a panacea. Technically speaking, many developing and even failed states are considered as “democratic”, but the living conditions within those countries are terrible. Such countries are not developing at all, but regressing.

The last but not least is the right guy. People of this kind are basically highly educated and open-minded. They acknowledge there are a lot of problems in China, but they also understand the western way is not perfect, and western societies have their own problems. Simply copying the western way and ignoring the unique situation China possesses will destroy the whole country. In addition, they also believe these problems, no matter whether pollution, corruption or human rights, are necessary sacrifices for a developing country. With the development of the Chinese economy, those problems will be solved sooner or later. Those people are the majority users on Quora, because only they can use good English to answer questions here. That’s why you witness this phenomenon.
